Electronic Calculator Essay

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Any student born in the last two decades would have trouble imagining having to solve a maths equation with no access to electronic assistance from a calculator. In this age of technology, calculators have become affordable, easily acquired, user friendly and a necessity for any student. Calculators have become increasingly common in the classroom; they can now be accessed on computers, on websites and even on our phones, meaning students will now always have a calculator with them. This raises the question of what effect on a student’s education will graphics calculators have. Electronic calculators have been in use since the 1950’s, however the first relatively compact calculator was built in 1957 by Casio. This calculator was built into a desk and was quickly followed by other brands. Calculators had evolved into the pocket calculator by 1970 but they were still too expensive to be considered a tool that could be taken for granted. By 1976 this had been changed so that calculators were easily affordable for everyone. The graphics calculator was introduced by Casio in 1985 and the line between graphics calculator and handheld computer got thinner as improvements on the devices continued to be made. Graphics Calculators have become a replacement for scientific calculators, it would not be necessary for a student to have a scientific calculator as the graphic calculator performs all the operations that a scientific calculator would be able to and more. Availability is no longer an issue after two decades of progress has evolved the calculator from a computer built in a desk into a common handheld device. Calculators are an effective teaching tool due to “the potential for them to be available to essentially all student all of the time, rather than to some students all of the time or, worse, to only some students for only some of the time” (Kissane, B. 2000). In

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