Effects Of Abuse On Juvenile Delinquency

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Running Head: UNIT 4 ESSAY Effects of Abuse on Juvenile Delinquency James Grantham Kaplan University CJ150: Juvenile Delinquency Prof. Samuel Hernandez Jr. January 5, 2012 The term child abuse spans over a wide spectrum of behaviors. This can be anything from physical abuse to simply neglecting the needs of a child. Sometimes, child abuse is referred to as child maltreatment. There are a large amount of children in the United States that remain at risk of abuse. Child abuse is a major problem affecting our country today. Child neglect often happens because parents are overcome by the many stress factors that people deal with on a day to day basis. This might include problems coping with poverty and its many afflictions linked to it. Single parents might be even more willing to abuse or neglect their children. If there is not another stable parental figure to help deal with life’s daily problems, it would be easy to see why they might lash out with anger. It is a very hard job raising children; and to raise them alone proves to be an even more daunting challenge. People with limited parental skills or depression might also be at risk to treat their children improperly. All types of child maltreatment and neglect can leave long lasting negative effects on the child subjected to it. Some of these problems might be physical. Emotional scars can be present throughout life as well. These can wreck a child’s sense of worth, destroying their capability of having normal relationships. Also, their ability to function at home, work, and school might take a plunge. Without this healthy foundation of life, it is very challenging learning to get close to people or know who is trustworthy. This will possibly lead to difficulty sustaining relationships due to fear of being controlled or abused. If you have been told repeatedly as a small child that you are worthless

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