Drinking Age Law

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David Amalfitano Dr. Corso English 101-L 18 November 2008 The Law is the Law The drinking age has been a controversial subject and as serious as it is, this issue should not be taken lightly. Whether to keep the age of 21 or lower the drinking age to 18 has been debated over the years; the age now to legally drink is 21 and has been for 40 years and should not be changed. Keeping the drinking age at 21 will solve those problems dealing with the consequences that come from underage drinking. For almost 40 years, most states have set their minimum drinking age law at 21. Hanson presents that at the height of the Vietnam War in the early 1970s, 29 states began lowering their drinking age to more closely align with…show more content…
Agents of Socialization is an organization that influences a person’s behavior and development. Levine, a sociologist, states that there are four main agents that influence behaviors are family, peers, school, and the mass media. An individual’s family has significant importance in their children’s’ use of alcohol. There are many families, however, who permit their teenagers to drink alcohol at family gatherings under their supervision. This sends a conflicting message to the young person, that drinking is permissible at an earlier age than 21. Scientists conclude that early drinking by adolescents increases the lifetime likelihood of alcohol dependence, and that overall drinking levels in a society are directly linked to drinking problems (NIAA p. 2). The peers of an individual can also have a strong influence upon drinking habits. A person is likely to behave according to their friends’ standards in order fit in and be accepted. If peers encourage others to drink alcohol underage, often teens will drink to feel more accepted by their peers. Schools can counter this influence by sending out a “don’t drink” message. Often schools have classes, such as health, which will encourage students to not drink and drive, or to say “no” to alcohol, but Levine claims that many schools do not have these types of classes. According to the Amethyst Initiative, 18 year-olds are not…show more content…
The majority of the people voting for the age limit to drop to 18 are the people who are under 18 or who are 18. They feel that 18 year-olds are prepared to make responsible decisions about drinking (Amethyst Initiative). The Amethyst Initiative believes that lowering the drinking age will only make situations worse for society. But the fact is, these people are not thinking about the consequences and are only looking at the pleasure. “More than 1,700 college students in the U.S. are killed each year—about 4.65 a day—as a result of alcohol-related injuries” (The Marin Institute). With a number as high as this, lowering the drinking age would only increase this ongoing problem of underage drinking. It has even been proven by the Marin Institute to be the leading cause of death among teenagers. Many adults feel as if the 18 to 21 age groups cannot handle drinking responsibly, then they should not be permitted to use it. Alcohol is a very serious depressant and one of the leading problems for death (Hanson, 2007). Dropping the age limit will not solve
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