Dominance / Bullying in the school

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The 6 year old child is sitting on a swing when a friend decides that is time for his turn. With an almost impulsive action, the child is pulled from his place on the playground and the new child assumes his new place as king of the playground. Some people would believe that this structure of bullying is a harmless form of aggression amongst youngsters; A right of passage if you will. But has this right of passage gone too far? Dominance is a necessary evil in a school environment; just as a dog must show its dominance in a pack, so must a child in a group of peers. Without this attainment of hierarchy, the school yard will fall apart. However, there are an escalating number of unnecessary bullying instances whereas our children are losing their sense of self and gaining an increasingly lower self esteem. The act of creating dominance in the ladder of peers has turned into that of an infliction of pain and humiliation in order to appear superior. This is achieved in many ways. Boys tend to battle physically. An altercation starts, is addressed, and commences all in one motion. Whoever is standing in the end wins and the other simply bows to this and accepts defeat. If challenged again, the bully takes his stand and must prove again and again that he is indeed the Alfa-male. The boy that is being bullied learns to live with the fact that he was publically humiliated; maybe this is the time in his life that decisions are made. The outcome of this single instance of bullying could in fact be the defining factor of what this young lad chooses to do with his life. This once outgoing and confident child now has self doubt and feels unworthy of his intended course in life thus changing directions and now going down a path of self destruction. Without proper guidance he may never make it out of this downhill spiral. Girls on the other hand choose to bully indirectly;

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