To This Day By Hugh Koyczan Summary

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“To This Day”, Bullying Breaks Us Leona Nelson Bullying can leave you broken. Youths are the most vulnerable of us and words have a habit of leaving scars on them. Laughter can cause tears and even your closest friends can be cruel. We spend almost twelve of our most important developmental years of life being emotionally and even physically beaten down and broken because of bullying. Thrust into the real world with our confidence almost permanently shattered, we are expected to be successful and important when prior to that we were always told the opposite. Bullying harms us not only in our youth, but for the rest of our lives. In the poem “To This Day” by Shane Koyczan, we hear the story of children who have faced the effects of being bullied. A little girl for something as foolish as a birthmark on her face and a boy for thinking pork chops and karate chops were the same. Age did not change the words that cut through that poor little girl. I could not help but relate. Throughout my middle and high school career I was amongst the billions of kids who…show more content…
That life is not a pretty place and kids need to know this from an early age. That is completely ridiculous. Children are to be told they are good enough to handle themselves in this cruel world they will one day face. They need their confidence carefully cultivated and their self image perfectly polished. Bullying destroys any chance for a child to make it or even have the courage to try to make it. When you have to fight your own inner demons as well as the ones outside, your likelihood of surviving has dropped. When a woman, whose children think her the very essence of beauty, cannot like her own reflection despite how beautiful her soul is, there is a problem. When a little boy is made fun of for something as simple as pork chops, there is a problem. When an adult cannot look someone in the eye, there is a problem. Bullying is this

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