Do You Think That There Are Any Circumstances When a Government Would Be Justified in Banning Books or Censoring Ideas? Explain

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Censorship in America today has gotten way out of hand. When it comes to watching television, reading a book or magazine, listening to music, or buying products, citizens should be able to make these decisions for themselves. Where do we draw the line with censorship? After all we are Americans and we do have rights. Although censorship is needed with issues concerning children, majority of censorship is a violation of our rights because what one person may find offensive and obscene does not necessarily represent that all citizens. The freedom to read is essential to the democratic way of life. But today, that freedom is under attack. The government is working to remove both books and periodicals from sale, to exclude certain books from public schools, to censor and silence magazines and newspapers, and to limit "controversial" books and periodicals to the general public. The overthrow of reading materials is defeat of creative thought. Books and periodicals are not the only ones being suppressed by pressures to the political and social systems. They are also being brought against the educational system, films, radio, television, and against the graphic and theatre arts. However or whenever these attacks occur, they usually fall at least one of the following categories: religion, war & peace (violence), sociology & race, language, drugs, sex, inappropriate adolescent behavior The word censorship probably would not exist today if all citizens agreed upon all things. This however is not possible for we are all unique individuals and have our own likes and dislikes. Why take away something a person enjoys if it is not hurting anyone else? What citizens do in the privacy of their own home is their own business. Who’s to say what a person likes or enjoys is wrong because another person does not agree. The big question is who is right and who is wrong? Neither, because

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