Anti-Censorship on the Web

591 Words3 Pages
Dear Mr. Bratt: Some people consider sex, drugs, violence, and strong language as inappropriate. Others could care less about what they see on the Web. Others don’t even think twice about sex crimes in the newspaper or hearing someone cuss their mother out on TV. Some couldn’t be any more neutral about the inappropriateness of their information sources. Others so strongly that they censor this material so they can no longer view it. The problem is that they are taking the material away from others as well. And some of these people may want to view this material. To censor something on the Web makes it unfair to people who do not deem it inappropriate. Therefore, material on the Web deemed inappropriate should not be censored. A lot of the material that is deemed inappropriate can be easily viewed on the Web. Because of this, someone may enter a website not knowing what is included in that site, and may be “scarred for life.” This is not true. A person is not forced to view any material on the Web and can ignore anything they consider inappropriate. It’s the person who posted the content that should worry about who will view it and the consequences of someone being offended by it. In 1968, a system on film classification was adopted in the United States, rating movies for violence, sexual situations, language, etc. Because of this, people had a better idea of how appropriate a movie would be before they bought their ticket. If the Internet had a system such as this, many more people would be happy. It is a person’s own responsibility to make decisions about what websites and/or content are appropriate or not. If a person is not sure as to what the content is, and if they want to view it, they can take the personal risk of entering the website. Any material should not be censored just because people cannot make decisions about a website. Thomas Jefferson said

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