One of the most important reasons to why library censorship is unacceptable is that it limits our information resources. In other words, we will not have the right to receive and source our assignments with quotes and information from banned books, nor will we have the right to read certain books from some of our favorite authors. There are many books that are banned from people or more likely students under the age of 17 (Koss 29). One of these books is
It should stay the way the author intended it to be. Racist language in old literature is very uncomfortable for many people to read. It can be offensive to African Americans. Many books are banned from schools just because of the racist language. We just need to understand that these books were written a long time ago and that was the language they used back then.
Dear Mr. Bratt: Some people consider sex, drugs, violence, and strong language as inappropriate. Others could care less about what they see on the Web. Others don’t even think twice about sex crimes in the newspaper or hearing someone cuss their mother out on TV. Some couldn’t be any more neutral about the inappropriateness of their information sources. Others so strongly that they censor this material so they can no longer view it.
Censorship is strictly review by an authority of any material before publication or dissemination, with legal right to prevent, alter, or delay its appearance. Censorship for authors is that they have to face what people believe that certain of their books contains material that is objectionable on political, moral, or religious grounds and should be banned from classrooms in order to protect their children from exposures to allegedly harmful ideas. Most school boards have responded by physically removing books that are written by some author from school library shelves (“Censorship”). J.K. Rowling is well-known for her book, Harry Potter, which has been censor and banned by school libraries. As a child, Rowling enjoyed reading and writing about fantasy stories to her little sister.
read another article for your censorship document. me and Erica have chosen to write censorship document about the censorship that goes on in the media. one of the articles i read today was "Book Banning Efforts Bring on Title Fights" The article was about how many books contain content that people consider a bit explicit therefore their banned from library's and schools. In the document "Book Banning Efforts Bring on Title Fights" ,there were groups of people in favor and against censorship. Stevenson Swanson wrote the article, and in the document i noticed that Krug was against censorship in books.
I Hate Everything Starting With Me By Joan Rivers This book is the most recent of the many comedic books Joan Rivers’ has authored. The main theme of this book is everything Joan Rivers hates. Anything from ugly kids to bumper stickers to country music stars, you’ll most likely find it in this book. It’s sounds a little harsh, but Rivers can make anything very funny. This book also includes some of her loves, but they are rare to find.
(American Library Association 1). Challenges are often denied because of the loyalty of concerned citizens to our freedom of speech and the First Amendment. According to the First Amendment of the Constitution, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and the petition the government for a redress of grievances.” ("The Constitution of the United States," Amendment 1). This is simply saying that we are guaranteed the right of free expression, and the infringement of this right (censoring materials) is illegal. Even though it is against the law, I can see why this book was banned, and I somewhat agree with the bowdlerization of it.
Should Rihanna’s Music Videos be Banned? Reading into the media, you wonder if certain music videos should be banned. For example, is Rihanna too sexy for TV or even the computer? She may have turned herself into a bad girl, but has she gone too far and put herself in a bad position? For her, being a role model being too sexy is not truly an excellent manner to appeal to young children.
Books are constantly being banned from all different places for all different reasons as well as from all age groups. Books are usually banned because of content such as profanity, sexual situations, or even witchcraft. But should they be banned to everyone just for these reasons? Books should not be banned to high school students and older. Student in high school are exposed to many different things, good and bad, as a part of growing up and maturing.
Subliminal messages are believed to brainwash the minds of the music listeners when the music is played often. They may influence the thinking of the music listeners and make them accept Occultic or satanic beliefs. Most of the advertising experts, psychiatrists, and Psychologists believe that subliminal messages are not influential because they mostly go unnoticed. As a result, there are not federal laws set governing subliminal messages use. However, there are regulatory policies preventing its use in theaters, on radio or on television.