Do You Agree with the View That, Although Wolsey Appeared the Dominant Figure in the Government of England in the Years 1515-1529 in Reality He Merely Followed Henry’s Bidding?

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Wolsey and Henry’s relationship was at times a servant, master relationship with Henry using Wolsey to his advantage as a scapegoat instead of him being blamed for issues which he, himself may have made. Henry was over all in charge of Wolsey, knowing when and how to control him. But at times Wolsey appeared to be the dominant figure with him putting his own priorities within the policies rather than obeying henry and doing what he wished. Although Wolsey did do Henry’s bidding at times he could also be the dominant figure. Wolsey was the dominant figure due to his sometimes false relationship with Henry. In source 7 we see how Henry puts Wolsey back into his rightful position as a servant but we then find out as Polydore Vergil puts it “he soon returned to his old ways” this shows how Wolsey would do want ever he wished to do but appeared to Henry as a loyal servant, showing how Wolsey could mislead Henry making him believe something that wasn’t true. Wolsey also “refused to speak to Henry” showing he was doing his own bidding doing what he wished and not going by the orders of Henry himself. In source 8 Wolsey is also shown as a dominant figure by being called, by Keith Randall “the head of the country’s legal system” showing he had a lot of power and responsibilities over many things within the country. Not only this but Wolsey’s domestic policies concentrated mainly on punishing the nobility especially when it came to justice and the enclosure issues of land being used for farming instead of housing. Wolsey concentrated on the rich to show them he had ultimate control over them even though he originated from a butchers family, by concentrating on the rich with in his polices he was setting his own agenda to sought out his own problems, instead of getting rid of Henry’s and the country’s problems with his policies. But Wolsey may not have appeared of the

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