Is It Better to Be Underrated by the People or to Overrate Them?

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“You never get what you deserve unless you are worth the best of it.” (C.R. Ronald ) It is human nature that he never keeps a balance between himself and his surrounding matters. People have different views about others…some are always underestimated. People might infer different points from rating them good or bad, but I’d say that it is better for one to be underrated by the people than to overrate them. In our daily life we can observe that if a person is undervalued in his society, he or she tries to set up a good status by refining his or her abilities. The person strives hard to prove others wrong. Underrated by the people, the person makes every effort to be rated as he or she deserves. This makes him achieve the best status and ultimately underrating proves to be the better thing. Taking the example of student life, I am convinced to say that the students are always underrated by their teachers. They never get the marks as they expect. But this thing proves better for the student. Firstly the student learns how to deal with such situations in everyday life as it is the human nature to underestimate others. Secondly, he or she endeavors to score more in the next examination and ultimately in the final evaluation tests and then, throughout his or her career such students prove to be the best. Thus we must consider this point that underrated ones form, what we call, the cream of the society…not the luxurious but the intellectual and esteemed one. The success of every common person and even the success of the most important member of the human society-a student…is hidden behind the

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