Do Teenagers Get Enough Sleep?

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Do Teenagers Get Enough Sleep? By: Erick Reyes Presented to Mrs. Hess in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for Senior Composition December 19, 2014 What is sleep? Sleep is when your brain takes a rest from operating. Your brain is one very important organ. Another definition of sleep would be a condition of body and mind such as that which typically rests. A good amount of sleep for a high school student would be ten to twelve hours of sleep. During the past few months, the media has been bombarding the public that teenagers and young adults are not getting the correct amount of sleep. But there are two different sides to this. One side is team honest teachers and parents and why they think we don't get enough sleep, which for this purpose we will call them team A. On the other side, we have the honest students, which we will call team B. Yes we will always have those students that complain about everything. But for this purpose we will use the average honest student. There are many issues that help this issue become true. You might ask yourself well, what are the issues that don't let teenagers get enough sleep? It is a huge circle of many factors that contribute to this issue. The top three factors that I believe would keep a person from getting sleep could be involved in too many extra curricula’s, procrastination, and time management. Usually there are two ways this can affect someone. Personally, I don't get enough sleep on certain nights, but it all depends on a number of things. One night it may be I had to be at school until 7:00 that evening for practice or another activity and I don't get home until 7:45 in the evening. Since I am so tired, it takes me a while to get my brain up and running to begin my homework and other things I have to do for the next day. Another night it may be the fact that
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