Diploma Level 3 Working with Children and Young People

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Assignment 023 Understand Child and Young Person Development A1. Below is a table that shows the sequence and rate of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years. Physical development | Intellectual and cognitive development | Communication development | Social, emotional and behavioural development | Moral development | 0 – 3 months Baby begins life in reflex mode. Reflex actions such as suckling, rooting enable baby’s survival. | Baby may recognise smell and sound of mother, baby stops crying when it hears a familiar voice. | Baby cries when tired, hungry or distressed. Coo when contented. (5 weeks plus) smiles when smiled at. | Close contact between primary carer and baby, especially when feeding, smiles when happy. (5 weeks +). | Does not develop. | 3 – 6 months Baby less curled up, enjoys playing, makes noises and grabs. Baby tries to communicate and may get first teeth. | Baby may start to notice things around it such as mobiles. Less sleep needed and far more alert. | Baby may recognise sound of voice. Hand in mouth stage, touch and taste. Lifts arms for parents to pick up. | Smiles of delight when interacting in playful activities with primary carer. | Does not develop. | 6 – 9 monthsBaby is stronger and will sit in high chair with support. Will have settled into routine of naps through the day. | (object Permanence) Baby understands people and objects do not disappear when out of sight and continue to exist. | Babies’ language is developing, longer strings of sound, learns key words and may start to get excited when drink or dinner is mentioned. | Baby will strive to be near primary carer at all times. Baby will get anxious when primary carer is out of sight. | Does not develop. | 9 – 12 monthsWill use fingers to feed. Stands and holds onto furniture. |

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