Digesting a Turkey and Cheese Sandwich

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A turkey and cheese sandwich would be divided into three categories: protein, carbs, and fat. The bread would be carbs, the turkey protein, and the cheese fat. This is how the process would go for each nutrient: Carbohydrates The digestion of carbohydrates starts in your mouth. Saliva contains the enzyme amylase. Amylase breaks down amylase and amylopectin (which are starches found commonly in foods such as pasta) and converts some of the starch maltose (a disaccharide.) It’s good to chew food so that the saliva can mix with the food and begin the digestive process. Amylase continues to break down starches until the food reaches the stomach where stomach acid neutralizes amylase. After food passes through the stomach and entering the small intestine, the pancreas is signaled to make pancreatic amylase. This amylase converts the remaining starch into maltose. Maltose and lactose are absorbed into the small intestine. Multiple enzymes reside in the microvilli that lines the small intestine: maltase, lactase and sucrose. They’re called brush border enzymes The brush border enzymes convert the disaccharides into monosaccharides: glucose, fructose, and galactose. The monosaccharides are them absorbed into the bloodstream. From blood, the monosaccharides are carried to the liver and converted into glucose and then stored in the liver or sent back out to feed the individual cells. Any fiber continues to the large intestine where some is metabolized by bacteria, but most is excreted. Fat From the mouth, chewing food breaks it down to a degree. The lingual lipase, found in saliva, plays a minor role in breaking down fat. In the stomach, the gastric lipase converts some fat into a fatty acid or diglyceride, a glycerol with only two attached fatty acids. In the small intestine, most fat is digested. The pancreas releases pancreatic lipase. This lipase converts fat to

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