Understanding the Functioning of the Body Systems Associated with Energy Metabolism.

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Anatomy and Physiology Task 2: understanding the functioning of the body systems associated with energy metabolism. P4: Explain the physiology of two named body systems in relation to energy metabolism in the body. The structure and functions of the digestive system: Your digestive system is uniquely constructed to perform its specialized function of turning food into the energy you need to survive and packaging the residue for waste disposal. To help you understand how the many parts of the digestive system work together, here is an overview of the structure and function of this complex system. Mouth The mouth is the beginning of the digestive tract, digestion starts here when taking the first bite of food. Chewing breaks down the food into pieces that are more easily digested, while saliva mixes with food to begin the process of breaking it down into a form your body can absorb and use. Esophagus The esophagus is located in your throat near your windpipe; it receives food from your mouth when you swallow. The esophagus then delivers the food down to your stomach. Stomach The stomach holds food while it is being mixed with enzymes that continue the process of breaking down food. Cells in the lining of the stomach secrete a strong acid and powerful enzyme that are responsible for the breakdown process. When the contents of the stomach are successfully processed, they are released into the small intestine. Small intestine The small intestine has 3 parts; the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum — the small intestine breaks down food using enzymes released by the pancreas and bile from the liver. It moves food through and mixing it with digestive secretions from the pancreas and liver. The duodenum is mainly responsible for the continuous breaking-down process, with the jejunum and ileum mainly responsible for absorption of nutrients into the bloodstream.

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