Diagnostic Analysis of the Fast Food Indistry

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An organization should analyze the status, strategies and resources of its products or services to allow operators to determine how they will progress in the years to come. This also enables the organization to identify their strengths and how they will optimize them. Subsequently, analysis forces organizations to realize their weak points, allowing them to address them immediately with effective strategic actions. Conducting an analysis also helps organizations prepare for their future development and growth. How does an organization determine in which direction they will go? Each organization selects a direction based on the types of customers and clients it serves and the different functions it performs. This direction is often called its purpose or strategy. To diagnose and prescribe, an organization must determine their existing internal relationship between itself and the environment. Is it adopting a nonstrategy or simply reacting to whatever change comes along? Is it attempting to defend a particular niche created in the environment? Is it analyzing the environment to identify new threats or opportunities? Or, is it adopting an innovative, proactive stance, searching for new opportunities (Morgan, 1998)? The restaurant industry is traditionally known for employing a highly mechanistic management style. Classical management styles are that of highly defined, routine practices, having strict adherence to specific rules and regulations. Traditional management philosophy does not take into effect the employee, but focuses more on the job itself. Identifying what the specific tasks and requirements of the job are and training the employees to perform the duties has been and remains the norm in the food and beverage industry. This industry is almost autocratic in nature. Yet, the realities of the industry depict a different story. Industry

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