Determination in Stonewall's Gold

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The Determination of Characters in Stonewall’s Gold The basic meaning of determination is to set a goal, or to have a responsibility, and for that person to do everything in their power, even if that means risking their own life, to fulfill that requirement. Without determination in Stonewall’s Gold, the novel would not have made it past the first few pages. Nearly each and every character had a strong determination, whether it were for the right, or the wrong reasons. This includes Jamie, Kate, Jamie’s mother, the Confederate soldiers, the Major, McQuade, McQuade’s Gang, and even Corporal Blewitt. Each character needed determination not only to satisfy their wants and needs, but they needed determination in order to survive. Some members of the list represent determination at a much more pronounced level than the others, one being Jamie, another Kate, and perhaps the most determined, the soldiers of the Confederate Army. Jamie could not have survived the book without his paramount determination. He needed determination in order to protect and provide for himself and his mother while his father was away at war. This put Jamie in an extremely difficult situation, he is at a tender age, only fifteen, and is forced to take the role of the “man of the house”. When Jamie finds the map in Corporal Blewitt’s tobacco pouch he stops at nothing to find out what it leads to, even risking his life. In fact, Jamie risks his life multiple times in the story, which is completely fueled by his determination. Jamie gets kidnapped, tortured, sleeps outside in freezing cold temperatures, and even takes a bullet in order to deliver the gold to General Lee. Determination is strongest in Jamie out of all the characters of Stonewall’s Gold, his mission becomes his life, and that is determination at its most excellent form. Kate’s life is completely taken away from her by

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