Monsoon Wedding Essay

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Thesis: Lalit struggles to keep his family unit close in the midst of all the changes, stress and accepting his family growth, yet he still maintains a positive roll model through an effort to keep his cultural identity. Monsoon Wedding Lalit is the strongest motivator in the family in that he wants to be a good father and husband. In resulting to be a good roll model he struggles with balancing cultural expectations in his role as father, provider, mentor and husband. Not being able to help the new modern change and technology filled generation change, Lalit seems baffled at the younger generation and their way of life goals. He tries everything in his power to make things run smoothly and to make a good impression, yet Lalit’s expectations are high and he comes from a background of a hard worker. He does it all for his family to keep his deep-rooted relationships together. Lalit finds the period before the wedding stressful and out of control, but the motivating force behind his anxiety is what’s best for the family in the end and leads to a powerful tour of self-discovery. Having a lot of Lalit’s stress is geared towards the wedding planner Dubey. His constant mocking of the styles and fashions Lalit chooses for the decorations causes Lalit and his frustrations to skyrocket. Dubey’s continuous clumsiness and carelessness toward the wedding irritates Lalit’s whole perception he had on his daughters wedding plans. For the first time Lalit starts to realize the modern lifestyles of the new generation. Dubey presents the thought of a white house wedding for the new millennium, where as Lalit immediately shoots down his idea and feuds back stating that white drapes are for funerals, grieving, death and mourning. Lalit refuses the thought and sticks with his traditional multi- colored drapes. Lalit seems to take it out on another family member from
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