Creativity in Neuroscience with Dr. Bruce Perry

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Facts: Dr. Bruce Perry presents a case based in fact on the development of the brain and how this information can be used to understand children in high-risk situations. He explains the different levels of the brain -Cortex, Limbic, Diencephalon Cerebellum, and the Brain Stem- and their relations to one another. The Brain Stem is the root for the development of the three basic chemicals of the brain -serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine. When these chemicals are imbalanced they will have affects on a variety of physical and mental actions of the brain and body. Dr. Perry began discussing the different ways in which these chemicals can be imbalanced; inutero insult, early development inattention, and post traumatic stress. Focusing on the first two Dr. Perry began explaining how the brain’s template response for stress response can affect the duration of the life of a child. Meaning: The information I received from Dr. Bruce Perry’s lecture turned a lot of reflection to adoption and single mothers. The reflection that came from single mothers and the development of a child’s brain template for stress response from a disruption in early development strikes a chord with me. I was raised by a single mother and after reflection on Dr. Perry’s theories I found myself analyzing myself due to the disruptions from my single mother. Concretizing: Dr. Bruce Perry discussed how after birth a child’s external regulator for their stress response system is their caregiver. The child needs an external regulator to bring their stress response level down from a high arousal response to a balanced state. If a child has to frequently hit their arousal response a template is created by the brain. Such that through out life a reaction from the brain to stress is an instant arousal response that leaves minimal room for cognitive brain function. Therefore, if the caregiver of a child is

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