Counterargument Cons School Uniform

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Counterargument cons school uniform Pros put forward “School uniforms can be expensive, but compared with the cost of at least five nonuniform outfits and shoes, parents can put the outlay into perspective. Arguably, clothes do not have to cost a small fortune, but anyone with kids knows about peer pressure and the latest trends.Some schools offer financial assistance to families on low incomes so they are able to purchase uniforms.” According to (Burgess, Alex. "Pros & Facts About School Uniforms." EHow. Demand Media, 09 Feb. 2011. Web. 07 May 2013.) Cons can refute, Now people living standards have improved, Students carding to their own economic level to choose their own clothes. That does not mean to show off what, what also not to say that in order to compare, just on the basis of the ability to allow to enjoy life, this is the trend of the development of the society and the mainstream, not because are students shall enjoy life power is prohibited. Pros put forward “The Clearinghouse on Educational Policy and Management's research suggests that a mandatory school uniform policy has the potential to increase students' self-esteem and promote a feeling of community spirit within a school. When students have a sense of belonging to an institution, respect for teachers increases and attendance levels improve.” According to (Burgess, Alex. "Pros & Facts About School Uniforms." EHow. Demand Media, 09 Feb. 2011. Web. 07 May 2013.) Cons can refute, Don't wear school uniform and to choose the clothes you want to, can make students increase their self-confidence, to better express our own inner, character, thoughts, modern, temperament is necessarily different on the external display, if we want to try to suppress this kind of inner beauty on the external expression of, is not conducive to our more perfect, healthy growth. Pros put forward

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