Contribute to Raising Awareness of Health Task 1 1.1 Reasons Why It May Be Necessary to Raise Awareness of Health Issues: Raising Awareness of Health Issues Increases the Chance of Issues Being Detected in the Early

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Contribute to raising awareness of health Task 1 1.1 Reasons why it may be necessary to raise awareness of health issues: Raising awareness of health issues increases the chance of issues being detected in the early stages, it educates people about the issues, how to diagnose them and how to treat them, and the healthier people are the less likely they are to have health issues. 1.2 The roles of agencies and others who may be involved in raising awareness of health issues: Community nurses and doctors will promote awareness of illness and lifestyle choices that may affect your health, the government and local councils will have policy’s and legislation about what must be done about health care. Be up to date on infection control and cross contamination procedures. 1.3 Factors to consider when planning awareness raising activities: As a care worker we should know that raising awareness activities need to be creative. Campaigns are competing for mental space of an audience that is bombarded with many other ideas and messages. This means programmes need to get creative and learn a little from commercial marketing strategies. Relying on fear or guilt to elicit long-term behaviour change is less effective. Thought-provoking, benefits-based messages are more meaningful. Awareness raising is only the first step in a campaign to change behaviour in our care setting. Awareness raising without follow-up processes to exploit the attention generated tend to have limited long-term impact. Using various awareness strategies increases impact. Multiple messages through different activities such presentation, leaflets, posters and billboards reach further and have more impact as ideas build on and strengthen each other. To raise awareness of mental health issues. It particularly covers assessing the need for awareness raising, determining the groups who are to be at the focus of

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