Comprehensive Plan Research Paper

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Buffalo’s Comprehensive Plan Buffalo is a beautiful, awe inspiring Region which needs to incorporate and build on its geological assets. From scenic waterfront pathways, to a more defined and citizen friendly downtown, Buffalo’s Comprehensive plan intends on creating a unique atmosphere by building atop the natural assets as well as re-modeling the infrastructure pretty much from the ground up. The waterfront is possibly the most unique natural characteristic which the Region possesses and the plan incorporates various ways in which to build on this characteristic. Buffalo was once a once thriving city, now is hurting bad. Not too long ago it ranked as one of the top industrial cities and is now ranked the second poorest city in…show more content…
One aspect of a Green City would be the tree life alongside the roadways creating a jungle like atmosphere, which exists in some cases however not yet in large scale implementations. A modernized economy, skilled and educated workforce, full employment of all citizens and leading edge companies are all intended to be real in 2030. The plan includes the implementation of a Community Preservation Plan which will promote the preservation of historic landmarks, historic districts, and surrounding areas. Also the development of neighborhood plans in each of the eleven "Good Neighbors' Planning Alliance" districts is to take place and work around development issues and such. Each neighborhood concentrates its efforts on rebuilding around public infrastructure, as well as supporting economic development opportunities. “The Buffalo Comprehensive Plan was created to guide Buffalo to achieve a shared community vision of our future. We intend to build a city that is a prosperous, green regional center providing livable communities for all its citizens. It will have a thriving, progressive economy with leading edge companies; inclusive community life and harmonious social relations; prestigious medical, academic, and public institutions; and fully restored and enhanced…show more content…
Although it covers everything in depth and to the “T” how is something so complex going to get implemented? Usually plans try to keep things basic, laying down framework for the next plan(s) to follow. This is not like most plans; it lays down the framework and then has more in depth plans in order to utilize and manipulate that framework to the maximum. Maybe a little too in depth to ever be practical, meaning there’s so many guidelines requiring so much work it might be to hard to tackle as a whole. Maybe this is exactly what is needed a plan which oversees all plans, only time will tell. “It will be the preeminent legal document guiding all development in the City of Buffalo. It will provide the policy framework for all other local planning efforts including plans for downtown, neighborhoods, the waterfront, special districts and special purposes. There may be many plans in the city but they must be consistent with the one plan for Buffalo. ” (Page 9) The plan would be much better off if it broke things down, into smaller more manageable ideas. It needs to be chopped up into maybe three or four plans, one succeeding the next, which once implemented would have the same common outcome which the plan wished to achieve at first. Breaking the plan up into smaller plans would make it more feasible with a much higher probity for its

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