Project Management Case

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The conflicts raised by this case are typical from projects that are not closely monitored, resulting in a lack of overall control of tasks. Better reading and quicker response would probably avoid the failure of the partnership. Improvement in the organizational side is needed in order to embrace new technologies, as well as the leadership behavior of the project manager. Negotiation and development of new agreements on how to handle future conflicts, re-evaluation of the tasks required, tracking process on a daily basis and scheduling overtime could help to put the project back in time. A clearly defined escalation process, rethink the tasks allocation to future milestones and co-locating teams with similar activities would help the project…show more content…
Why does this attempt at project partnering appear to be failing? The main reason that this project partnering appears to fail is the automatic way of thinking of the project manager who set the path of the stakeholders, but then interrupts monitoring the team, not checking if the group is still working under the agreed conditions and guidelines. Frequent reviews and status updates are part of the best practices that are helpful in every outsourced project partnership.¹ The challenge of managing teams and virtual teams is that activities that are dependents on other groups need always to be tracked and checked in order to complete the task without major delays. The bad reading and the late reaction facing the problems that were appearing along the way by the project manager can also be cited as a reason of the failure of the partnering. The project manager is responsible for acting when the flows of information or sequential activities are not being finished on time. This partnership failed mainly because of the lack of leadership, when Karin didn't act as the mediator for the stakeholders that had conflicting issues, and also the delayed response for this problem. 2. If you were Karin, what would you do to get this project back on…show more content…
Some tools could be used to determine if the tasks are really dependent on each other or if each task could be done at the same time to prevent delays. As the project was two month behind the schedule when the conflict came to a boiling point, it is necessary to confirm with the stakeholders if they still can achieve the output necessary in the schedule predefined. Reallocate resources or split tasks between teams can be options to achieve the timeline necessary. The flow of information needs to be improved in order to help shorten the time needed to get responses for the time sensitive activities. I would recommend using a Gantt chart to manage the steps agreed by the stakeholders on a daily basis, so that monitoring can check closely if the project is in the way to return to the original schedule. As the team is geographically diverse this would include calls and visits to the different locations where the work is
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