Competency 310 Essay

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Competency 310.2.1 Ethical Issues In Business EVALUATION From the information given, it seems that company Q has a negative attitude towards social responsibility. Company Q has begun to listen to the needs of its customers, and is attempting to address those needs by supplying the desired products. However, it seems that company Q is selective in which customer’s needs it will address. By closing two stores in high crime rate, or in other words, lower income areas, they have sent the message that they appeal only to a more affluent crowd. Also, company Q’s only concession to changing policies is to begin carrying high margin, or high cost, products at all of its stores. Company Q has also set a bad precedent for trust within the company. It has effectively labeled its employees as thieves. In all relationships, trust is a two way street. If company Q cannot trust its employees, how can they expect their employees to trust the company? Company Q’s management seems to have forgotten that its employees are also members of the community, and that they have friends and relatives who are members of the community, and are effectively its client base. RECOMMENDATIONS Company Q needs to implement an ethics program. If managers and employees work together to build a relationship of trust and pride in the company that they work for, it will go a long way towards eliminating the possibility of theft. Once the trust factor is resolved, company Q needs to seriously take the time to talk to the customers that frequent each of its stores in the different areas of the city. They need to figure out which products meet the physical needs and financial ability of their constituents in the different areas. The cookie cutter approach of carrying all the same products,
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