Comparison and Contrast the Three

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COMPARISON AND CONTRAST THE THREE MAIN CORE COUNSELLING THEORIES There are three main theories of counselling: Person Centred Counselling, C. Rogers, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, A Beck and Psychodynamic, S. Freud. These theories work well on their own but there are commonalities and differences between them. This essay will compare and contrast the three theories There is concept of the person within the three schools. Rogers’ hypothesis was that everybody has the resource within them of self understanding and the ability to self heal. Person centred counselling will look into the past, present and also to the future with the client to address as many issues that may need to be dealt with. This process then changes their self concept, attitude and behaviour. It encompasses the better qualities and abilities of people to develop their own potential and decide how to make their own existence and life. Beck came to the conclusion that the way in which the client perceives, interprets and attributes the meaning of their daily lives affects their behaviour. This is a process scientifically known as cognition and is a key to therapy (1). The rationale of Cognitive behavioural therapy is that a person’s behaviour and emotional responses are controlled by the immediate thought. A thought is also known as cognition which is continually influencing the previous experiences and the knowledge that the client has of this. Psychodynamics is the study of the interrelationships of various parts of the mind, personality, or psyche as they relate to mental, emotional, or motivational forces at the unconscious level (3). Psychodynamics are split into two parts, interaction with emotions and motivational forces and the effect our mental state especially the subconscious and inner forces which affect our behaviour. Psychodynamics studies the transformation and
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