Community Justice Key Terms

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Key Terms 1. Community Justice- A philosophy of using community-through community-trough community policing, community courts, restorative justice, and broken-windows probation-to control and reduce crime. 2. Reintegrative Shaming- A process that occurs after an offense has been committed whereby an offender initially experiences reproach from significant others and social disapproval from a community but then is later forgiven, welcomed back into society and provided an opportunity to start anew. 3. Restitution- Court-ordered payment by an offender to a victim to cover tangible losses that occurred during or following a crime. 4. Fine- A fixed monetary sanction defined by statute and imposed by a judge, depending on the seriousness…show more content…
Reentry Courts- A collaborative, team-based program that aims to improve the link between parole supervision and treatment providers to help recent parolees become stabilized. 22. Maximum Eligibility Date- The longest amount of time that can be served before an inmate must be released by law. 23. Parole Eligibility Date- The point in a prisoner’s sentence in which he or she becomes eligible for parole. 24. Prerelease Plan- A case-management summary of offender institutional conduct and program participation as well as plans for housing and employment upon release, which is submitted to a parole board in cases of discretionary parole or to a parole officer in cases of automatic release. 25. Victim Impact Statement- A written account by a victim as to how a crime has taken a toll physically, emotionally, financially, and/or psychologically on said victim and victim’s family. Victim impact statements are considered by many states at the time of sentencing and at parole-board hearing. 26. Full Board Review- A statutory requirement that all members of a parole board review and vote on an early release from prison of individuals who have committed felony crimes, usually of a violent or sexual

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