Communication and Professional Relationships

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TDA 3.1 Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults It is immensely important that we develop positive relationships with children, young people and adults and this begins with the manner with which we approach and respond to them. Having positive relationships means we are more than likely to communicate information well to parents and other visitors to the school environment and this will gain their trust and in turn will be beneficial to the pupils. The more positively we deal with this will, in turn, mean that we end up with better relationships and should communications not be clear or break down, this is when misinterpretations become evident and lead to relationships deteriorating. When individuals feel comfortable in our company they are more likely to communicate effectively with us and this is paramount in relationship building. Other essential aspects to be considered include the following: Showing respect and taking the time to listen, making sure of clarity on key points, showing consideration for others and remembering personal issues, finally being effective in your communication and retaining a good sense of humour. Providing these strategies are followed it should ensure that the relationships that are developed in school are positive for all parties involved. It is vital that the ways in which we can develop this is given great thought as positive relationships are not something which should be left to chance. Different social, professional and cultural contexts might affect relationships and the way in which people communicate with one another. Adaptation in different situations to combat this is necessary, for example, in a meeting more formal language and clothing would be appropriate. However, there may be more informal communications as well and it is important to realise which approach
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