Common-Sense Functionalism Essay

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“Common-sense functionalism” is the product of the combination of two separate theories (Functionalism and Common-sense) intending to strengthen the idea of the general shape of the theory of mind. Simply put, it is a description theory of meaning and reference. The meaning and reference of a term is given by a description of a set of properties. This new theory departs from and rejects the antiquated dualistic theory of the mind, has adopted a part of the behaviorism theory, and redirects us into another vicious circle filled with yet more open-ended questions. I will explain the basic ideas of functionalism and explain how common-sense plays a role in the theory. I will then present one objection to the common-sense functionalism theory and form a hypothesis of how a common-sense functionalist would respond to the objection. Lastly, I will present my own evaluation of the common-sense functonalism theory. Functionalism, in simple terms, is the doctrine that the function of an object should determine its design and materials. It is a doctrine in the philosophy of mind according to which mental states are defined by their causes and effects. There are many kinds of functionalism but all functionalists agree that their general theory of mind is composed of three kinds of clauses. The first clause is composed of input clauses, output clauses, and internal role clauses. Input clauses say what sorts of events cause mental states in people. Output clauses say what sorts of behaviour are caused by mental states. The internal role clauses describe the internal interactions of mental states. The second clause functionalists agree on, is that mental states are inner states that occupy the roles specified by the previously explained clauses. The third and final clause they agree upon is the notion of multiple realizability. This is the idea that these roles are all played
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