Three Popular Psychological Approaches to Explaining Human Behaviour Are the Biological Approach, the Behavioural Approach and the Cognitive Approach. Outline the Key Features of These Approaches in Relation to Both

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Three popular psychological approaches to explaining human behaviour are the biological approach, the behavioural approach and the cognitive approach. Outline the key features of these approaches in relation to both normal behaviour and psychopathology, and discuss which approach, in your own view, provides the best explanation for human behaviour. The Biological, Behavioural and Cognitive approaches are all main players on the Psychological field, and united by a concern to explain human behaviour on a nomothetic, scientific and observable level. This is perhaps the sum of common ground. They each have their own theoretical assumptions in terms of what constitutes behaviour; variously observable responses, inner experiences, cognitions and emotional states, or both. An additional veneer of complexity is posed by the normal/psychopathological distinction. Unsurprisingly, each approach, espouses different therapeutic strategies which, in themselves, can enlighten us as to their varying behavioural explanations. I shall outline and evaluate the key features of each approach on an individual basis, and attempt to assess the extent to which each provides a workable explanation of behaviour relative to their theoretical others. I The biological approach asserts that human behaviour can be explained physiologically and neurologically. Nineteenth century Phrenology, although way off the mark in some aspects, pioneered this perspective in terms of Localisation of Brain Function. Technological advances have enabled researchers to map the brain in terms of function. However there is currently insufficient evidence that a specific centre exists for every type of behaviour, i.e. there is no Ordanance Survey guide to the Brain which translates into a holistic explanation of all human behaviour. This is due to the fact that the brain activity is highly integrated
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