Cmgt 410 Week 3 Individual Project Proposal

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Project Proposal Memo CMGT/410 January 28, 2013 Project Proposal Attn: Management and Stakeholders Purpose of Proposal New Platform and Corporation-wide Compliant System Project Description It is essential to integrate our company’s information system into a single technology platform, due to the company growth, and use a common database and development environment. Establishing a common set of processes for the corporation with a focus on implementing a company-wide Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software system must be our first concern. The corporation will use the new ERP will be the database, development environment, and core technology. The new compliance system will update all applicable regulations and laws of the corporation’s internal regulations and…show more content…
The data necessary for operations will be combined, organized, and maintained by the new ERP system. We will be able to merge each of the location’s key operations, including the distribution, human resources, customer relations, manufacturing, and financial departments into one system. This system will become the backbone and heart of our corporation’s operations. We will divide the new compliance system into three levels: detect, respond, and prevent. The coverage of these levels is intended to guarantee the entire business will be in complete agreement of all applicable regulations and laws also are own internal rules and principles. The success of the project will be evaluated with qualitative and quantitative methods like questionnaires, peer reviews and observation. We will gather opinions of the employee’s companywide through questionnaires. The managers will be interviewed either in person or by phone. How the end users use the new platform system will be out served by the developers. Peer reviews will see if all stakeholders meet the learning

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