Classification Of Lifestyle

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Subject: Classification essay of lifestyles TYPES OF LİFESTYLES From the time of people come to the world, they begin to learn some stuff by seeing, hearing, trying to understand what’s going on around. They grow up and their personality get a shape according to their abilities, friends ,environment, family etc. So these affects constitutes a lifestyle and it can be categorized as green lifestyle, fashion lifestyle and musical lifestyle. In the first category is green lifestyle which has some principles about environment, greens and pollutions. People who have green lifestyle, get extra attention to keep the environment clean. Many of them argue with the other people who throw their waste. Because plastic or chemical waste causes permanent pollution in the world and not only humans get affected this situation. Some of them protest against corporations which destroy forests for a new hotel, house , touristic place or sth like that. They choose getting a job about environment like environmental engineering , landscape architecture , city and regional planning etc. They only work to institute a beautiful area for humanity. Second lifestyle Is fashion lifestyle. It can cost much more money if one wants to follow some luxurious trends. There are 2 roles of this lifestyle. They are customers and designers. Customers are ‘’generally’’ women and they compete with each other about dressing. They search every websites, stores , shops for fashionable clothes. Rich ones have stylists who help to combine the color of clothes with accessories and shoes . It seems ridiculous but fashion is passion for these people they like spending money for it. Other role is designers. They love designing patterns on clothes , shaping some creative models and making people appreciate to their productions. Some of

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