Classical Conditioning Addictions

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Phobias and Addictions Kamron Hymon University of Phoenix June 30, 2013 People may not know this, but each and every person is conditioned in one way or another, whether it be classically or operant without even being aware of it. These two conditioning's can affect us and also acquire an addiction or a phobia based on something we may have experienced. Addictions and phobias are known to be simple emotional matters of the mind. Phobias are most likely to be developed through classical conditioning: as for addictions are developed through the operant conditioning. These are bot types of behavioral modification, they are really different from…show more content…
Once he or she stops thinking about going to this place entirely, he or she will then start to feel better and the anxiety will disappear. This is an example of how classical conditioning and avoidance of these feared objects will make the phobia worse. There may be many different causes when it comes to phobias such as a childhood trauma or genetics, but classical conditioning plays an important role in either reinforcing or causing these simple phobias, sometimes both. Through this conditioning, people have repeatedly associated the fear with terrible anxiety, strengthening the fear. This can interfere with your everyday life, because a person will go to great extents and avoid numerous situations that may have snakes to do with it, such as an aquarium, or where ever snakes may be. This can eventually become a huge time consuming preoccupation that will and can cause suffering and pervasive avoidance…show more content…
Reinforcement is known as the main principle of the operant conditioning. Two forms of consequences are known as reinforcement and punishment. They can be negative or positive. Receiving a treat for good behavior is the primary positive reinforcement that will involve the introduction to a stimulus. This will help to increase the chance of good behavior. Encouraging a verbal acknowledgment will help to further strengthen the principle since this is a secondary reinforcement. A negative reinforcement is the removal of a negative stimulus once the desired response is seen. This will then increase any chance of this behavior to be repeated. A positive punishment happens wen the negative stimulus is introduced after this undesirable behavior, such a child misbehaving and being sent to their room for it. This will then intend to decrease this unfavorable behavior. When it comes to negative punishment there is a removal of a pleasant stimulus after this undesirable behavior, such as taking away the child's favorite toy after the tantrum, this will then decrease any likelihood of repeated
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