Explain the Different Psychological Approaches

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Explain different psychological approaches to health practices. There are many different psychological applications to health and social care. According to the behaviourist approach; our behaviour can be changed or improved. The theorist skinner believed that positive reinforcement worked by rewarding the desired behaviour, the behaviour would be improved he did not believe in punishment. Skinner believed that positive reinforcement should be immediate to ensure the effect on the behaviour so children associate the positive reward with good behaviour. Positive reinforcement was believed to be able to help children with anger management, the praise they received when behaving in the desired way was rewarded causing the person with anger management to behave positively. The child would be given a reward system for behaving in the positive behaviour. Behaviourist may work in the social setting with autistic children, on the autistic spectrum children tend to avoid eye contact. Behaviourist may reward the child for at first looking in the general direction of the person speaking, moving onto looking at the person who is speaking. In a health care setting the behaviourist approach may be used for irrational fears people may have, behaviourist may use a process called desensitization this is where the phobia is introduced slowly at first working up to different stages. For example if a person is afraid of hospitals the least fear will be introduced so receiving an appointment card, working up step by step until the person actually goes inside a hospital and has a procedure. Another psychological approach is the learning approach this can be applied to both health and social care settings. According to the social learning theory role models have an effect on our behaviour; having a positive role model means positive behaviour will be modelled. One example of a
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