Classical Conditioning Essay

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Classical Conditioning is a form of learning in which living things respond to objects and how sensory stimulus transfers to another stimulus or in which a reflexive or automatic response transfers information from one stimulus to another. There are two types of stimulus; Unconditional Stimulus and Conditional Stimulus. According to Russian physiologist Ivan Pavlov (1849-1936), unconditioned stimulus produces unconditioned response, while conditioned stimulus produces conditioned response. He discovered two types of stimulus that affect behaviors of living things. In his studying the process, Pavlov came with four main principles of classical conditioning; acquisition, extinction, Generalization, and discrimination. Acquisition is the first learning of condition response. Pavlov used food, bell, and dog to discover the effect of unconditioned stimulus stage and conditioned stimulus to the response of dog’s salivating. He studied dog’s response of salivate when sees food. Food at this phase is unconditioned stimulus and salivates of the dog in unconditioned response while the bell has no any effect to it. The dog stated to connect food with bell when the bell is followed by the presence of food. This was repeated frequently to make the dog to adopt the bell as the sign of getting food. Later, the dog started salivating at the bell before food presented. At this stage, the bell becomes conditioned stimulus which causes conditioned response to dog’s salivation. Extinction is a conditioned response which is not necessarily permanent. The term extinction is used to describe the eradication of the conditioned response by repeatedly presenting the conditioned stimulus without the unconditioned stimulus. This leads to the change of behavior from one conditioned response to the opposite response. Generalization response is a behavior built in the mind of people or

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