Behaviorism Unit 8

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Behaviourism This approach is based on the concept of explaining behaviour through observation, and the belief that out environment is what causes humans to behave differently or suffer illnesses. The behaviourists assume that we can understand people by observing their behaviours. This is similar to cognitive approach which looks at thought processes and other unobservable activities. Behaviour can be observed in terms of responses to certain stimuli. Example a Person being told to hold a book (stimulus) would respond by holding the book. This stimulus response theory forms the basis of conditioning which suggests learning in humans and animals can take place through the association of a response with particular stimuli. It also assumes that we are all born as a blank slate also known as tabula rasa and so equal at birth. It is environmental factors rather than genetic or biological differences that make people behave differently. This approach is based on the concept of explaining behaviour through observation, and the belief that out environment is what causes humans to behave differently or suffer illnesses. The behaviourists assume that we can understand people by observing their behaviours. This is similar to cognitive approach which looks at thought processes and other unobservable activities. Behaviour can be observed in terms of responses to certain stimuli. Example a Person being told to hold a book (stimulus) would respond by holding the book. This stimulus response theory forms the basis of conditioning which suggests learning in humans and animals can take place through the association of a response with particular stimuli. It also assumes that we are all born as a blank slate also known as tabula rasa and so equal at birth. It is environmental factors rather than genetic or biological differences that make people behave differently.
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