Cipd Hr - Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employee Relations

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CIPD HR ASSESSMENT 3MER – F305A_HR 2012 Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employee Relations 1.1 2 internal factors, which can impact on the employment relationship: Culture – the culture of any company is its DNA. How the company is structured and its values make it who they are. Working for a company with strong principles provides job loyalty and a pleasant working environment. Employees who embrace and live the company culture and values contributes to its success but also encourages a healthy balance of initiative and perseverance, essential for growth and excellent customer service. Growth within the company – not having an embedded culture within an organisation will be detrimental to the growth of any company. Drive to grow can mean employee focus is lost and the essential upskilling of new employees is either, poor or not carried out. This lack of induction could see an increase in mistakes as the employee is unable to carry out their job correctly. Staff morale will be affected from both new and existing employees; new employees will not feel valued, uncertain, and anxious and existing staff will be angry and resentful, as they will have to rectify any errors made. 1.1 2 external factors which can impact of the employment relationship: Employment legislation is the legal criteria that employers have to adhere to, to ensure the employee is treated fairly and protected within their working environment/life. They are broken down into 3 groups; civil law, employment protection rights and other statutory legislation. Examples or each are below: a, Civil law – contractual obligation between company and employee, this can also include a duty of care to the employee. b, Employment protection rights – these are the major employee rights set to protect an employee in respect of being treated fairly, equally and not
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