Choosing One of the Case Studies That You Developed Within Your Group During the Class. Explain the Cause of the Person's Symptoms and Construct a Hypnoanalysis Treatment Plan and Required Outcome

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Choosing one of the case studies that you developed within your group during the class. Explain the cause of the person's symptoms and construct a hypnoanalysis treatment plan and required outcome. In this essay I will describe person G who I will now refer to as the client in the case study below. I will explain the issues that have caused my client to suffer from low self esteem. I will devise a hypnoanalysis treatment plan for them, with an attached screed. I will explain the benefits and any ethical issues that may arise from treatment. I will then construct a treatment plan and the outcome I would expect from this and if there would be any need to refer the patient on. The case study is as follows: Case study My client is a 36 year old mother of two children. She has a younger brother who she cares very much for. My client had a normal upbringing but has suffered from low self esteem since she was at school. She was bullied at infant school right through to leaving school at 16. My client attended a different secondary school to her friends, having to walk to school past her old friends who were walking in an oncoming direction. What made this worse for her is that her uniform was bright red which made her stand out even more. She recounts one time of being pushed over a wall by some older girls from this school. She remembers being relieved when it rained as it meant that she could hide beneath her umbrella. My client wore a brace on her teeth when she was a teenager which made her feel very self conscious at a very sensitive time in her life. This particular brace had two hooks on the front where a head gear around the head would be attached to correct the teeth. This caused my client extreme embarrassment and she was teased by her peers for looking different. She found it difficult to make friends as she always thought that she was a nuisance

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