Dementia Case Study Alzheimer's Problem

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Assessment Paper 2 Nicole Pulver 1. Axis I 294.11 Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type with late onset and behavioral problems 296.34 Major Depressive Disorder sever with mood-incongruent psychotic features Axis II V 71.00 No Diagnosis on Axis II Axis III 331.0 Alzheimer’s Disease (per me) Axis IV -Problems with Primary Support Group (Mrs. Sanders has become suspicious of her Priest of many years and her two niches that have also been in her life. Her son is an addict who is in and out of her life and her daughter and husband are dead) -Problems related to social environment (Mrs. Sanders lives alone) Axis V GAF Score 40 (present time) 2. I believe that Mrs. Sanders suffers from Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type with late onset and behavioral problems. The case scenario stated that Mrs. Sanders is 78 years old and is…show more content…
I would do the Beck’s Depression Inventory with her to determine the severity of the problem. I would do a mental exam on her to determine the severity of the Alzheimer’s. - Clinician Characteristics To be best able to work with Mrs. Sanders I would have to show her that I cared, show empathy, as well as a desire to help her. I would have to be able to motivate her and promote her continued independence. I would need to be structured, creative, and positive to help her find ways to deal with the Alzheimer’s. - Location of Treatment I will treat Mrs. Sanders as an out-patient unless her Alzheimer’s becomes so sever that she can no longer care for herself or is a danger to herself. - Interventions to be used I will educate Mrs. Sanders on depression and Alzheimer’s disease. I will do some individual therapy with her to help her deal with the problems in her life and to prepare her for what will come. -Emphasis of

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