Contemporary Nursing Task 1

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When Mrs. Elli Baker comes to the emergency room after collapsing in her backyard it is imperative that as a nurse you do an immediate assessment of her. The assessment should include vital signs and placing Mrs. Baker on a cardiac monitor. Being able to see what her blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiratory rate and oxygen level will help you as a nurse to prioritize what interventions need to be done and in what order they need to take place. Placing a pulse ox on an index finger that isn’t cold since that can give a false reading is very important. A pulse ox is a good way to see what her oxygen saturation is along with checking her capillary refill, listening to lung sounds, and color of her skin around her lips and under her nails beds. Along with doing an assessment of her vital signs doing a full head to toe is very important in helping to determine how to best take care of Mrs. Baker. Doing a neurological assessment would be especially important since Mrs. Baker collapsed in her backyard. This would include her pupils making sure they are equal and reactive, person place and time, and asking her questions about herself in order to gauge a baseline on Mrs. Baker’s current mental status. This information will help you be able to determine if Mrs. Baker is declining at any point of her stay. It is also important to check the patient’s skin especially around the head and face. Geriatric patients bruise faster as they age so when Mrs. Baker collapsed she may have hit her head and that is causing her confusion. Looking for a bruise around the head and face may be a sign of this if Mrs. Baker is unable to remember what happened. If the patient is able to respond to you doing a pain assessment is also a very important step in doing a complete assessment on a patient. If she is unable to rate her pain on a scale of 0-10 then it’s important to look at how Mrs.
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