China Studies in English Confucianism Essay

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Q: Assess the role of Confucianism in China today.(25m) (Relevance?) Intro: Definition | Confucianism is a system of thought which guide the indiviual in how to act to fulfil life’s social roles. | Criteria | The role of Confucianism would be determined by the number of pratictioners. | Duality | Confucianism has a role in China due to its long civilised history, but in today’s context it has a limited significance in shaping Chinese culture and society. | Stand | Hence, Confucianism barely holds a significant role in China today. | Body1: P:According to Confucianism, there is still an emphasis on filial piety, which is also known as the respect for elders and social hierachy amongst Chinese.E:Working children are expected to support their aged parents, following the relationship between father and friends, as one of the five cardinal relations stated.E:For example, some companies in Hebei province make explicit that employees who are filial to their parents would be given preferential considerations for promotion.L:Such examples show that the practice of filial piety still has a role in the Chinese society today, when such acts are recognised and rewarded.Evaluation: However, there are still many young Chinese who do not adhere to this value of Confucianism. Due to the One-child policy, many parents pamper their only child, resulting in disobedience of the child towards his parents and over-dependent on what he receives from his parents and does not work to support his parents. This has led to increasing cases of unfilial and that is also the reason why there is an emphasis on filial piety in the Chinese society today. | | | | | Body2: * Valuing personlised ties and connections over contractual relationship * Know the business partner personally before securing a deal * Patron-client system * However, it leads to

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