This bond lead to Roman citizens to be much more supportive of people, and created an organized society. This way of living lead Rome’s government to being more politically strengthened and less centralized. Han China and Imperial Rome differed in their way of selecting political leaders, but both empires had someone in power to watch over their empires. The Mandate of Heaven and divinity from nature applied when choosing the Han China emperor. Throughout the tears, emperors were chosen from heredity genes.
Stability and order is important for any country, especially in China. The historical institutional lessons made Chinese government more focus on the order and stability. stability is the sentiment of people, it representing the acceptance of what is being proposed. Order and stability are the pillar components to support the government, without order and stability, the government will collapse obvious. Deng Xiaoping(Deng) claimed that stability is the fundamental of any development in China.
The Chinese believed in strict social groups and people were expected to behave according to their social position. This belief was further reinforced by the Chinese philosopher Confucius, who taught that strict social order and discipline was the key to a successful society. Men and women in ancient China were not equal and men were afforded far more privileges than women. The Chinese strongly believed in the wisdom of the elders and, as such, grandparents were greatly respected beneath the emperor, there were four main social classes in ancient China. These four classes were nobles and officials, peasants, artisans and merchant.
Table of Contents Introduction 2 History of Confucianism 3 Confucian influence on social and political aspects of society 4 Confucian Institutes 6 Lei Feng 7 Conclusion 10 Bibliography 11 Introduction Liang Shuming, 梁漱溟, 1893-1988, a Chinese philosopher, reformist and follower of the Confucius teachings, who believed Confucianism combined with various Western values to be especially significant to the creation of a harmonious society, defined culture as a people’s way of life – spiritual, social, and material, and furthermore meant that the value of a culture lies in its distinctive differences from others. (Sor-Hoon Tan, 2008, pp. 144). China is one of the oldest societies of world history, dating approximately 5.000 years back, and roughly half of this period has mainly been dominated by Confucian influence shaping the before mentioned values. The founder of Confucianism, Confucius, is considered the most influential thinker and moral philosopher of the Chinese civilization, which is also strengthened by the name he was given, Xianshi, 先師, the teacher from the past or the foremost teacher.
It also teaches the Tao of Heaven and provides moral training that is quite religious. Tao of heaven is the transformation of the individual into a living example of virtue as a strict duty to Heaven. The active pursuits of the Tao of Heaven are the six virtues that have to be master in order to become a virtuous person. Also, the Six Art forms the basis of Confucianism‘s education.Confucianism stresses the importance of avoiding conflict and emphasizes correct behavior. Desire is suppressed and people are expected to live by a elevated moral code.
Need for achievement Confucian taught us “As to the benevolent man, he establishes for others stands he wishes for himself. He brings others to reach where he wishes to reach himself.” In another word, if we want to benefit others, we should benefit ourselves at first. If we want to help others be successful, we should become successful before them. It is very practical. Everyone likes the feeling of being needed.
The three historical junctures that I have selected to discuss and analyse are: The Great Leap Forward, The Cultural Revolution, and Deng’s Reform. I have chosen these as the years separating them are relatively few so they can flow from one to the other more fluently. Also I feel that each of these share extremely similar qualities and if had not been for the first, the latter would not have commenced. Each of these are very important times within China at the time, as they mark both the attempts for change, and also the need for change. I also chose these as I believe that these were during some of the most ‘desperate’ of times as they followed countless failures in attempts to revolutionize and modernize.
Aristole supported that justice is the high road to democracy. In addition, the second way is to seek the happiness for their citizens. Because democracy is based on good will and mutual understanding. The relation between democracy and happiness was based on mutual dependence. Aristotle thought that is the purpose of the whole life and happiness belongs to the human's mind.
In China’s history, there have been a number of philosophies that have had a major effect on the Chinese people. Some philosophies worked and some, as the Chinese found out, didn’t. All of these schools of thought had one thing in common and that is they all tried to set up a guide to the way the people should be. These philosophies are not only helpful in running a country, but could also be helpful in possibly running and setting guidelines in a high school. Of these five philosophies, in my opinion, Daoism, would work the best for Sheboygan’s North High School.
A man was thought of as more able to lead than a female, as a result of their brawn. A person was guaranteed their status in society based on their linage. This meant that the leaders would have been quite knowledgeable about the role that they have to play to ensure the success of society and would have been well equipped with leadership skills from an early age. The hereditary rule meant too that order was preserved in both societies as leadership was never challenged this eliminated the inevitable chaos that would have proceeded such challenges. A non chaotic and unchallenged election as it relates to leadership positions, would have informed the stability of the societies.