Character Analysis: Ethan Frome By Edith Wharton

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julia girl Composition II 01 May 2011 Ethan Frome is a tragic romance written by Edith Wharton in 1911. Ethan is the main character in the book. He is torn between what he wants to do and what he should do. When Ethan decides to marry his distant cousin, Zeena, his life turns down a downward spiraling tunnel. Zeena always nags and harps about how bad her “complications” are. She always needs attention and money for doctors. Ethan seems very stressed, but keeps his temper well. He is not very assertive toward Zeena. Ethan moved back to Starkfield to take care of his ill mother, that is where he meets Zeena. She was the care taker of his mother. As soon as his mother passed away Ethan asked Zeena to stay, which was a mistake.…show more content…
Mattie changes him for the better, while Zeena changes him for the poorer. Ethan’s whole demeanor has changed ever since Mattie has come into his life. You can tell the tension between Zeena and Mattie, and the sexual tension between Ethan and Mattie. Ethan gets jealous when he sees Mattie dancing with Denis Eady. That was a key indicator to me that they had something between them other than the looks and giggles. On their way home they are talking about going sledding, since Mattie had never done it before. When they arrive home, the key is not under the mat and Zeena is usually in bed by now. Zeena comes to the door, and you can tell she is highly suspicious of the two, but she is only worried about herself and needs Ethan’s money for her doctor…show more content…
Mattie and Ethan seem to enjoy the fact that Zeena has left. They make good use of the time alone. Mattie cooks a fine meal, Ethan’s favorite and even uses Zeena and Ethan’s wedding pickle dish. As the two enjoy the meal, the cat jumps onto the table and knocks the dish over and shatters it to pieces. Mattie is very nervous by her actions, and does not want Zeena to find out. Ethan tells her they will go to town and get glue to fix it. Even when they go to town they get looks from people and people talk behind their back as if they know something is going on

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