The potential of pedagogical documentation, By Jacinthe Nguyen Can learning be visible? Children’s and teacher’s learning’s processes visible through pedagogical documentation. Life is full of learning moments for children as well as for adults. But how can we illustrate this learning in a manner visible to others? In the Reggio Emilia approach, children are seen as active and competent learners; and the use of pedagogical documentation reflects this view through exhibiting, analysing and reflecting on children’s learning (Patterson, 2005).
Child development theories support planning for learning and play in child care settings. Tina Bruce’s child development theories “favour a holistic approach to teaching young children which focuses on creativity, play and first-hand experiences.” (Pound. L, 2009, pg.13) She believes that free-flow play is important for children as it promotes their independence and allows them to make choices and also make mistakes. This allows them to learn from these mistakes and enhance their learning. Bruce states that “The importance of opportunities to act as independent learner, making choices and mistakes with an emphasis on self-motivation.” (Pound.
Michelle Church Unit 26: Promote Creativity and Creative Learning in Young Children. 1: Understand the concepts of creativity and creative learning and how these affect all aspects of young children’s learning and development. 1:1. Creativity is about risk taking and making connections, allowing children to explore and express themselves through a variety of media or materials including, dance, music, making things, drawing, painting and make believe and to make new things emerge as a result. Being creative is strongly linked to play and can emerge through a child being absorbed in their own actions and ideas.
To successfully fur fill the requirements I as the adult will have to provide and make resources accessible so that I can interact with the children and observe and reflect on each of the child’s learning experiences. By doing this I will be able to see what the children enjoy doing and how I can keep the child’s attention and concentration. To use the child centred approach you will have to look at every child as an individual with different strengths learning styles and interests as well as adapting to children who have learning difficulties or disabilities, to achieve this I will have to research their
Communication skills used by children helps children to express their feelings, manage their anger, helps to negotiate with others, helps to understand the feelings of others, and also helps children respond appropriately to others. C1 : Evaluate ONE (1) theoretical perspective which supports the development of strategies for empowering children Vygotsky stresses the importance of three major elements in the process towards fully developed cognitive ability: 1. Children respond to the world through action. This often does not require the use of language. 2.
Play is the child’s way of learning and acquiring knowledge about self and the world in ways that are meaningful from the child’s point of view. Because play is central to the child’s experience, self-concept, cognitive and physical development, and social interactions, adults need to understand their role in facilitating, structuring, organizing or initiating play. One of the biggest questions related to play is how much structure to impose on playtime, and if any structure, what type. Knowing how to approach play from the adult’s standpoint depends on one’s fundamental theory of play, and whether play
Level 5 CCLM Unit 082 Promote creativity and creative learning in young children Group B 1.1 Analyse the differences between creative learning and creativity. Creative learning is about how children are involved in their own learning, and demonstrates their ability to problem solved and uses their imagination. It enables children to make choices and decisions and to use their problem solving skills. This can be achieved through providing a creative environment allowing exploration through play and praising creative efforts. Creativity is about risk taking and making connections, allowing children to explore and express themselves through a variety of media or materials.
He refers to a term called scaffolding which means when support of some kind is given from a teacher or caregiver to do things they cannot otherwise do alone. I really like Lev’s way of thinking about experience and development. He believed that children grow from experiences so we as the care giver should provide them a great and full learning environment. I myself think young children learn from the experiences they have and interaction with others helps them grow and develop. I think that children learn the best through hands on and how we as teachers teach them.
Doing school activities will help them to balance out their day. They need to have some kind of daily routine to follow. Also, children need to do brain activities with other kids. These kinds of activities are a great way to get kids interesting in learning. School activities should be a part of every kid's
Reliablility, openness, honesty, fairness, by listening without interruption, these are all ways to build trust and respect with a child / children. This enables a child / children to feel comfortable within your company, which in turn will allow you to provide a supportive and caring learning environment for a child /children to develop. 1.2 Describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child or young person’s stage of development. Foundation Years Within these year groups our responses are more animated through our body movements and voices. Children at this stage learn more through playing games, role play, building, messy play and using there senses touch, sight, hearing and smell, to explore objects and their surrounding environment.