Unit 26 Edexcel Ccld Level 3

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Michelle Church Unit 26: Promote Creativity and Creative Learning in Young Children. 1: Understand the concepts of creativity and creative learning and how these affect all aspects of young children’s learning and development. 1:1. Creativity is about risk taking and making connections, allowing children to explore and express themselves through a variety of media or materials including, dance, music, making things, drawing, painting and make believe and to make new things emerge as a result. Being creative is strongly linked to play and can emerge through a child being absorbed in their own actions and ideas. Creativity in this context links to the Creative Development area of learning in the Foundation Phase in Wales. Creative learning is about how children are actively involved in their own learning and ability to make choices and decisions. This can be achieved by providing a creative environment allowing exploration through play and praising creative efforts. Creative learning provides opportunities for exploring, discovery, sensory development and experimentation. Creative learning is also about helping children develop problem solving skills and imaginative thinking, eg, a child is given red paint, and blue paint to make a picture, the child decides to mix the colours together on the paper and finds out it makes purple. 1:2 There are many theoretical approaches to creativity and creative learning. Nature versus nurture, which could mean that people are born with a creative spark, or they learn it from life or other people. Some people believe that children will learn from watching other people, this is called role modelling. Many may believe that creativity is a progress, this means that creativity will follow a pattern to make it happen, this will also help to build upon skills that will emerge. The cultural approach means that every
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