Cause Of Slavery In The United States

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Slavery in the United States Daphne Bartlett 12-3-2013 U.S. History 1 SLAVERY When a person looks at all causes of the Civil War and how it was supposed to be a huge fight to end slavery and to help African Americans have a better life than the one that they were living it was not at all as simple as everyone determined it to be. When you investigate all the causes of the Civil War you always come back to the subject of slavery, included in the five causes of the Civil War you will find that these reasons are not at all separate from slavery. But when looking at it in all different directions you’ll see…show more content…
The main problem was that they thought that their rights were being violated, the same way that the other colonies had felt which led to the Revolutionary War to take place. Along the way the southern colonies had been made to purchase any goods that they may have needed from the Northern colonies at a much higher rate compared everything else. The southern colonies had a lot of disagreement about the entrance of newly slave states so they lost much power in the political eyes in regard to this situation. When the different sides and different points of view in both the Northern colonies as well as the Southern colonies looked at the constitution they seen it in different ways, the southern government officials felt that the constitution should be honored the way that it was originally written and the Northern officials realized that the constitution will always be a changing and growing the product of the government. When looking at the union you ask what was the major unrelenting hurt on the union was considered to be the major problem of trading and tariffs ,because the southern colonies mainly depended upon trade or bartering to obtain goods they were forced to get them from the Northern colonies or receive them from European…show more content…
In order to actually own a worker you would need an astronomical amount of money which a majority of the people did not have in that time period, there was a lot of good and bad effects that resulted from the war. The bad effects that resulted was one that the African Americans hadn’t been freed because they were still being held against their will illegally by some of the southern people and this definitely resulted in a lot of conflict and fighting. Some of the good effects that resulted was that although some did not a lot of the slaves had indeed gained the right to be relieved of their duties without any formal government interference. Another good effect was that the A lot of the people that were being made to be slaves were granted their freedom on the condition that they agreed to be a soldier in the war for the Americans. In the year 1807 the government started forbidding the shipment of the
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