Cause And Effect Essay On Sleep Disorders

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Sleeping disorders can cause serious health issues, mentally, emotionally, and physically, and with over 100 different types of sleep disorders, and more being researched, there comes multiple causes. Sleep disorders can range from difficulty sleeping at night, to problems with excessive daytime sleepiness, not only does it have a negative impact on a person’s mood, but also their energy, concentration, and overall health. There are multiple causes to sleep disorders ranging from stress and anxiety, to respiratory problems, allergies, chronic pain, and much more. With such causes come multiple effects, two out of the hundred of effects are called insomnia, and sleep apnea. These two sleep disorders are the topics I am going to cover, and what causes each. Stress and anxiety are two main causes for multiple sleep disorders, but they are also the effect. Stress can negatively impact a person emotionally, physically, and behaviorally, and can create tension, anxiety, and problems with sleep. Having too much to do, with what seems to be too little of time, such as, trying to balance school, work, relationships, and hobbies, can cause an excessive amount of stress. Not knowing how to balance and manage time is an issue many people face. Anxiety plays its part by racing multiple thoughts through a…show more content…
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder in which an individual experiences pauses of breath, or shallow breathing throughout the night. For adults, it can be caused by excess weight, which results in softer tissue of the mouth and throat. During sleep, this soft tissue, as it relaxes, can block the airway. However, many other problems or conditions can be the cause. Whereas, in children, sleep apnea can usually be caused by enlarged tonsils, an overbite or underbite, a tumor or a growth in the airway, and even birth defects such as down
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