Case Study: New Belgium Brewery

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1) What are the ethical issues in this case? New Belgium Brewing demonstrates a desire beyond just advertising and promotion of ethics but there is a fundamental focus on the ethical culture of the brand. From this off polarization comes a new paradigm in which businesses that fully embrace citizenship in the community they serve can forge enduring bonds with customers. Meanwhile, these are precarious times for businesses that choose to ignore consumer's looking at brands from an ethical perspective. More than ever before, what the brand says and what the company does must be synchronized. NBB believes the mandate for corporate social responsibility gains momentum beyond the courtroom to the far more powerful marketplace, any current and future manager of business must realize that business ethics are not so much about the installation of compliance codes and standards as they are about the spirit in which they are integrated. Thus, the modern-day brand steward- usually the most externally focused member of the business management team- must prepare to be the internal champion of the bottom line necessity for ethical, values-driven company behavior. At New Belgium, a synergy of brand and values occurred naturally as the firm’s ethical culture- in the form of core values and beliefs- and was in place long before NBB had a marketing department. The ethical issue is that all NBB business decisions are made according to the core values and beliefs and is focused on being ethically and environmentally responsible. The ethical issues in this case deal with New Belgium Brewery's commitment to sustainability and minimizing waste. Upon reviewing the case you can see that NBB has made monumental efforts towards their cause for sustainability. Their innovative power generation and waste treatment are impressive. There is one major hurdle for NBB to overcome. The use
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