Care Certificate..Communication. Template for Observations

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Communication 6.5a Demonstrate the use of appropriate verbal and non-verbal communication. I have observed _____ on various occasions communicating verbally and none verbally with residents. We have a few residents who are hard of hearing and one in particular has great difficulty hearing and does not wear hearing aids. I have seen _______ communicating with this resident in a non-verbal way by writing down questions on a piece of paper to which the resident happily replies and understands what is being communicated to her. When communicating verbally with residents keeps her tone neutral and adjusts her speech to suit each individual. ______ does not use slang or jargon as not to confuse residents and steers away from using complicated words. _______ places herself in a position that is not to close so not to cause feelings of intimidation but not too far away so that the resident thinks she is not interested or engaging in what they are saying, ______ maintains good eye contact with whomever she is communicating with. 6.6a Ensure that any communication aids/technologies are: Clean Work properly In good repair ______ regularly checks resident’s hearing aids ensuring they are clean and replacing batteries if and when necessary. If they are found not to be working ______ reports to the Nurse on duty. 6.6b Report any concerns about the communication aid/technology to the appropriate person. Any concerns that ______ has about the hearing aids she reports to the Nurse on duty. Assessor:

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