Cango Case Analysis

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In this week’s analysis, issues regarding the operations at CanGo were identified and resolutions and recommendations are being presented. The following outlines six issues along with six recommendations. This is not to say that there were only six issues identified with the operations at CanGo, however, these are certainly the most pressing issues the company currently faces. The six issues identified, in order of precedence, are: 1.) CanGo lacks a strategic plan including a mission and vision statement; 2.) Warren lacks necessary leadership skills; 3.) Project goals are vague; 4.) Nick lacks the organizational skills necessary to complete his tasks; 5.) The company is unprepared for the upcoming busy season; and 6.) Whitney is a…show more content…
The mission can be found through the vision the company has for its future. This mission should incorporate what CanGo wants to become and how it wants to serve its customers. In other words, the definition of why they exist and what they do. This mission should incorporate the company’s environment within itself and its competition. This identification could be accomplished through a SWOT analysis. This would identify the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. These things considered, Liz could make more intelligent decisions for the company’s future. This would help formulate goals for the company in the long and short term. These goals should coincide with the company’s mission and develop future plans according to the success of these…show more content…
Warren was vague in his directions to Nick on the implementation of online gaming. His discussion started with him stating what would happen if they fail a negative. Warren should always start his goals with a positive. He was never clear on exactly what he expected from Nick. Nick has poor organizational skills and was given vague goals. He is left to set his own goals for implementation of online gaming which is an important project for CanGo. Resolution #3 Goals help to drive a company’s energy and resources to a desired outcome. Setting goals brings focus to a plan or project and institutes benchmarks for measuring progress. Goal setting is a key step in organizational planning. CanGo’s placement of training material and tools for goal setting processes on their website would be beneficial. Maria, the director of human resources and Gail, who is a senior staff member with project management skills can be brought in to assist with the development of the training material. The training material should include: • Some characteristics of effective goal setting: Difficulty, Specificity and

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