California Cannabis Initiative Research Paper

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Aaron Bowen Political Science 2 William Tourini 16 March 2012 Reflecting on the Initiative: California Hemp Health and Cannabis Initiative of 2012 The purpose of the initiative that is to follow is to amend the health and safety code of the state of California. The California Cannabis Hemp and Health Act of 2012 pursues that no person, individual or as a corporate entity, should be arrested or prosecuted, nor shall they be denied ant right or privilege, nor subject to any criminal or civil penalties for the possession, cultivation, transportation, distribution, or consumption of cannabis hemp marijuana. (Jolson & Duzy, 2012) The initiative specifies its product use by including industrial, medicinal preparation, nutritional and edible,…show more content…
With the legalization of marijuana brought about in California, there would be a drastic reduction of crime in a broad range of areas. Firstly, with marijuana legalized, the state jailing system could make more room for actual criminals, under the new law, by removing almost 80,000 inmates who are currently being detained under marijuana charges and as many as 50,000 of them, at least, being charged only on misdemeanor suspicion. With this immense amount of extra room created in the jailing facilities, police work would be more greatly and justly rewarded when the criminals they capture actually have a place to serve out there sentence, rather than being released early with a slap on the wrist due to overcrowding. Without focusing on the unscientific myths of marijuana the herbal plant is, at most, a euphoric intoxicant, an herb that induces sleep, hunger, happiness, and or drowsiness, no effects that have ever been proven to cause violence or harmful acts to ones self or other, while alcohol and other inebriants are regularly sold in corner stores and markets across the country, causing pain, sickness, and death to those who partake without responsible regard, and even to some who do. Crime in California, in regard to marijuana, is often due to gang members robbing each other over turf to sell illegal marijuana, over marijuana fields being robbed by other gangs, groups, and common…show more content…
Socially and culturally, California is a marijuana friendly state. By decree of national Government, California has been limited in expressing its natural born rights of freedom and expression. With the legalization of marijuana, California would benefit financially, almost immediately after implementing the initiative. The tax dollars being wasted to house, feed, and clothe the inmates of state and local prisons and jails, on inmates charged on petty and minor marijuana offences, could be used to lessen the deficit of debt. Marijuana could be governmentally taxed, and even the money they would lose to underground growers and buyers, would be more than they are spending to chase, apprehend, hold, feed, and house these ‘criminals’ today. Once marijuana became legal more jobs could be created. There would be large need for labor workers to work the fields, and also a need for consultants, buyers, sellers of mass quantities of marijuana to ship to different places in the state, and if the legalization went national, California would again be a gold mine in its history. Also, because there would be no laws prohibiting the production, possession, or transportation or marijuana, it would be likely that a delivery system for transporting marijuana would be developed, and that coul and would create many jobs as well. With all these implementations working together, as described in the essay, it is likely that by
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