The Economic Saving of Legalization Marijuana Mark Preston Wilmington University Abstract Ignorance, hysteria and fear are the leading factor behind criminalization of cannabis. This is due to Harry j. Anslinger; he was the head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics in 1930. And began an anti-marijuana information full of false information and campaign saying marijuana was a killer drug in which lurks murder, insanity and death. Although several states have started the process to take advantage of the economic benefits from the legalization of marijuana, in addition some states are on the course of decriminalize marijuana. With Some states taken advantage of legalization or decriminalize of marijuana it would give those states the able
While some do not believe the theory that drugs are used for the risk, it is an interesting way to look at the reason people do drugs. People who are pro drugs promote that drugs, such as marijuana, are used for medical use as well as recreational use, because they enjoy the effect drugs have on them. Prohibitionists state that if drugs were legalized they would be only consumed for recreational use or to escape from reality instead of dealing with issues (Marijuana Abuse, 2012). Some prohibitionists do not even believe that drugs help in medical ways. This controversial topic is one of the reasons the drug reform is such a debated movement of today.
To the extent that this business activity pulled in spending from persons in other states, the measure would result in a net increase in taxable economic activity in the state” (Brown 15). Our state can not only receive income from selling marijuana, but also can make revenues from other related business activities. Making money from legalizing marijuana might be a way to assist our state to overcome the finical crisis in recent years. Legalization of marijuana can also save the cost on supervising marijuana criminals. Every year our state has to spend a large sum of money on supervising marijuana because it is illegal.
Those are our unalienable rights as an American.” Enoch Easter’s opinion was, “Why not legalize marijuana period? If you use it then good for you; if you don’t then that’s your decision. Some people actually might need medical marijuana for medical conditions, but hypocrites say bad things about it and try to make it seem that it’s morally wrong if you use it. If using medical marijuana or recreational marijuana is ok by your moral beliefs, then I believe you should be able to use it. It’s not the
How can the presence or absence of natural resources and arable land affect a nation’s economy, regardless of the type of economic system? 4. How can life expectancy and literacy rates affect the quality of labor in the economy? Does this influence the type of Economic system a nation runs? Why do you think the way you do?
al., 2002). Therefore, they implemented the Pure Food and Drug Act, which led to the Harrison Act of 1917, and later the Eighteenth Amendment and Volstead Act of 1920, which limited the use of marijuana that was not for medical use only, making the recreational use of the substance legal. Due to crime rated many believed associated with the substance, as many as 17 states implemented regulations that banned all non-medical use of marijuana by the early 1930’s.That by the time the Marijuana Tax Act was enacted in 1937, 36 of the U.S stated already had their own laws that penalized the use, possession and sell of marijuana (Pacula et. al., 2002). So after the amount physicians prescribing medical marijuana tarred off, because of the tedious paper work that had to be completed in order to dispense it.
If we take away the criminal aspect of the drug by selling it legally in a retail environment, we could maybe start to see less violence in our neighborhoods. If you could buy it locally there would be no need for supply from one of the many cartels. Plus, if you could go any where and buy it you wouldn’t have people on the streets competing to sell it to you. That may also help the prison rate as well because we would have less people locked up for distribution, and possession of
The reason for this, in my opinion, is the fact that the US Government wants the public to believe that marijuana is “bad” and should remain illegal. This “cover-up” began in the early 1900’s and still remains in effect today. Many Americans are suffering unjustly because of the illegalization of a drug that is safer than any legal drug on the market today. The hemp plant has many industrial uses and medicinal
Marijuana is classified as an illegal substance in 1923. “Canada became one of the first countries to make smoking pot illegal” (Schwartz, 2014). In the criminal code, marijuana falls under the controlled drugs and substances act. “For a first conviction, if you had less than 3o grams of
Certain Hindu sects in India used marijuana for religious purposes and stress relief. However, doctors did believe that consumption of marijuana in excess caused impotence, blindness and “seeing devils”. In modern times hemp is used for a wide variety of purposes including cordage of varying tensile strength, clothing, nutritional products and various industrial purposes. Making marijuana illegal in North America has helped create many street gangs who profit from the sale of a plant that is less harmless than alcohol and less addictive than coffee. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the benefit of legalization of marijuana from financial and social aspects, and also from its benefits in providing relief to many patients across the world.